5 Rules for Hosting a Playdate, According to Moms

5 Rules for Hosting a Playdate, According to Moms

A playdate pet peeve of many a parent we spoke with: The unexpected sibling. When hosting other kiddos for the first—or 15th—time, it’s helpful to spell out exactly who the attendees will be (say, mom, Ben W. and Ben W.’s younger sister) just so everyone can prepare. Even if it’s just making sure there’s an age-appropriate activity for a guest of a different age, it makes a difference knowing who will be joining up front. (Also, on the caregiver front, it averts any awkwardness if you know before the playdate begins whether parents are staying or dropping off.)

More logistics to sort in advance: Any allergies. Also, the length of the visit. Most moms we spoke with made it clear that a successful playdate is one that is short and sweet. (One mom lamented the play date that carried on for five hours, eep!) Spelling out these specifics in advance—and via text—is often all it takes to make things go extra smooth: “Hi [insert name of Ben W.’s mom]! Looking forward to seeing you this weekend. Will anyone else be joining you and Ben? Asking because we want to have plenty of snacks and activities on hand. Thinking we can all hang from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Also, any allergies, let us know. Can’t wait!”

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