7 Trends Gen Alpha Is Definitely Embracing

7 Trends Gen Alpha Is Definitely Embracing

Are you a young Gen Xer or a Millennial with kids? Then your children most likely belong to Generation Alpha, the first cohort to be fully of the 21st century.

Alphas were born between 2010 and present day (generation groupings typically span 15 years, so we have a few more to go), and social researcher Mark McCrindle coined the germ to continue the theme of using letters (i.e., Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z), but opting for the Greek Alphabet instead of the Latin one since this generation is “not a return to the old but the start of something new—to signify the new world in which they will be shaped.”

And while they may be the youngest generation, Alphas are already shaping up to be the most inclusive, eager and global one, in no small part due to technological advances, social media trends and world affairs (ahem, that whole global pandemic thing).

But what are these young people into (beyond, you know, Roblox)? We chatted to parents, experts and kids themselves to put our finger on the Gen Alpha pulse. Here, seven trends these kids are most definitely embracing.

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